For Seekers of the Truth of Reality, of Their Self and Liberation From Ego Attachment

"This is the best course I have ever done in my life...!."

- D. Pande

Hi, I’m Tiger :)

Long story short, after many years of seeking the enlightenment experience to understand who and what I am, what reality truly is and to find more peace of mind. A seeking which began due to recurring thoughts in my mind that there is something more to what I perceive life to be and what I've been told reality is. Thoughts such as..."there must be more to what I am than just meat and bones with a mind attached", a recurring thought that I had throughout my whole life. Then later on in life after becoming more interested in spirituality and awakening the thoughts became "What's all this enlightenment stuff that all these gurus and saints spoke about anyway?" "Can I experience it?" as it seemed extremely freeing! 

Well...It is freeing...I know because it happened...

I had a huge awakening experience in 2017 that change me, or who I thought was me... forever. Now I write about it, speak about it, and help others like yourself who may wish to experience this beautiful liberation.

Along with helping others along their awakening journey. I also enjoy getting right into the details of reality. I've learned a lot since my awakening and I'm happy to teach the truth that I help students experience for themselves.

I never ever promote dogma...just clear ways for you to see and experience the truth of reality that you may currently be blocked from seeing...for yourself